Sunday, October 11, 2009

You're the Greatest #1 (Mirah @ the Bowery)

Mmmmm, Mirah. Unbelievably adorable is she. Norfolk & Western kicked off the evening, great sound, didn't see a Victrola, the band members played every instrument switching amongst themselves, some even played two at once (trumpet + piano!). Mirah chimed in for their last number, cute as a button of course. She sang a lot of songs from (a)spera, recognized a couple from my brief listen-through before the show. I wish I'd jotted down which songs she played, I listened to her so much before and after the concert I'm sure I'm mixing up what was really on her setlist. She played most of (a)spera, and a bunch of songs from C'mon Miracle ("You've Gone Away Enough," "Exactly Where We're From") and Advisory Committee ("Mount St Helens," "Light the Match," and "The Garden"). "Light the Match" was wonderfully burlesque-ish, red lit stage, what a performer she is! She encored with a song (that I cannot remember either) that melded into "The Garden," much to my delight. She was sublime, acknowledged the audience, cute and bubbly, modest "thanks," and had Norfolk & Western join her towards the end of her set as well. Marvelous performances. Her voice is spectacular. Exudes such warmth.

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