Sunday, January 10, 2010


The Repubs need to get their act together, they're starting to forget things, flip-flop, and go back to stereotypically dirty tactics.

Rudy Giuliani: 'We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama'

Role Reversal: Lieberman Defends Obama From McCain


Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) offered a rare defense of Barack Obama on Sunday -- and an even rarer rebuke of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) -- after the Arizona Republican accused the president of "leading an extreme left-wing crusade to bankrupt America."

In what was a reversal of the role he played during the presidential campaign -- when he stumped on McCain's behalf and spoke at the Republican convention -- Lieberman said he disagreed with the anti-Obama radio ads McCain is running in his home state.

"You know every now and then John McCain and I disagree sometimes, and that's one of the cases," Lieberman said on CNN's "State of the Union." "So I don't agree with that. I think the president understands the importance of bringing our government back into balance. Look he came in, in a most difficult economic time, inheriting a national debt that had doubled in the preceding eight years.

McCain: I'm 'Arizona's Last Line Of Defense'


NARRATOR: He's lived through a battle or two, vanquished many a foe. But perhaps but no battle in our lifetime is more vital than the one John McCain fights now. A battle to save America, save our jobs. John McCain leads the charge to slash government spending, bloated bureaucracies, and ridiculously unaffordable ideas like government run health care.

MCCAIN: President Obama is leading an extreme left wing crusade to bankrupt America. I stand in his way every day. If I get a bruise or two knocking some sense into head in Washington, so be it. I'll keep fighting for jobs and economic growth for Arizona as long as I'm in the Senate.

NARRATOR: John McCain is Arizona's last line of defense. Character matters.


NARRATOR: We know what he endured, turned down a chance to go home early. It was against the prisoner's code. John McCain has spent his life representing Arizona, fighting for the little guy, standing up to titans, afraid of no man, saying yes to jobs and small business, no to big government. John McCain is leading the fight against President Obama every day, standing tall and outspoken, helping Arizona families.

MCCAIN: My lot in life has been to wage war against wrong, like today's massive spending at the worst possible time. Send me back to the Senate. We will win that fight for Arizona.

NARRATOR: John McCain is Arizona's last line of defense. Character matters.

George Will Battles Liz Cheney On Racism And Terrorism (VIDEO)

So Obama played golf. At least he addressed the nation about what happened in between putts, Bush didn't even have the decency to do as much with the shoe bombing incident.

And Harry Reid isn't racist, he was acknowledging that Americans are racist, and that that is what Americans truly think. He was insulting Americans, not African Americans.

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